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Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills

This past year on Wednesday Nights our 1st-6th Graders went through the BibleSkills, Drills, and Thrills curriculum diving in to God’s Word and learning the books ofthe Bible, verses, stories, key passages, and so much more. By the end of the yearour 1st-3rd Graders learned the books of the Bible, eight verses, and studied overthirty Bible stories. Our 4th-6th graders could find the books of the Bible, ten keypassages in under ten seconds, and they learned twenty-five verses of Scripture tohelp prepare for the Bible Drill competitions. 

Over the last two weeks our kids have had many opportunities to show off what they learned. We had our awards night and church Bible drill on Wednesday, April 12th. The 1st-3rd graders quoted Scripture and one group even shared a song they wrote when they learned about the greatness of God. For our 4th-6th graders we had eight kids compete in our church drill, we had five compete and pass the associational drill. Finally, we had four kids compete in the Regional Bible Drill and all of them were state winners! I am so proud of the way all of the kids worked this year to hide God’s word in their heart.