Our Story
In December, 1860, twenty-eight men and women formed The Second Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. These believers shared a vision to reach Montgomery with the gospel. After being located downtown for over 100 years, and with Montgomery’s growth eastward, in 1965, the church purchased six acres on the Atlanta Highway in an effort to evangelize more people.
In December, 1967, the church held its first worship service in the new location. From new facilities to new ministries, the church continued to grow and see many come to faith in Jesus Christ.
In 1973, the church leaders felt a need to change the name to help better identify with the surrounding area. The name was changed to EASTMONT Baptist Church. Eastmont continued to grow in membership, adding staff to best serve the community and the city. Ministries included bus ministries, youth ministries, children’s activities such as VBS, and more.
Over the years many men have served as pastors of Eastmont helping us continue to be a beacon of hope in our area of Montgomery. From a small, white house on Washington Street to a fifteen-acre campus with more than 100,000 square feet of ministry space, we continue to be blessed by the Lord and his faithfulness. Today, Eastmont continues striving to reach men, women, and families in Montgomery and the River Region. We always want to remember our past and those who helps shape it while embracing God’s will for our future. The solid biblical foundation with the cross of Christ radiating from the hill in East Montgomery has been and will continue to direct all that we do.
Our Mission
Eastmont Baptist Church is a community of Christ followers partnering together glorify God by proclaiming Jesus as Savior and pursuing Jesus as Lord.
Our Vision
Eastmont is committed to showing and sharing the message of Christ with love and compassion. We want to see lives transformed, broken hearts healed, and families restored in Montgomery and the River Region.

Our Values
Biblical Authority
We believe the Word of God is the final authority on all matters of faith and practice. We will always strive to make decisions and engage in actions that align with the teaching of Christian Scripture.
Authentic Worship
We believe all creation should acknowledge God for Who He is and for what He has done throughout history. As followers of Jesus, we acknowledge that every thought, word, and deed of our lives should be intended to glorify God. As a church family, we gather weekly to praise and adore God by singing, praying, giving financially, and receiving the Word rightly preached.
Fervent Prayer
We believe prayer is expected and effective. God calls His people to pray in all situations and for all people. The prayer of God’s people affects God’s actions in this life. Prayer is direct communication with God whereby we seek to conform our will to His will, asking Him to have His way here as He does in Heaven.
Philippians 4:6-7
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
1 Timothy 2:1
James 5:13-16
Selfless Service
We believe that Christ is King, and we are saved to serve His will by serving others. Every believer is called to view others as more important than themselves. Jesus demonstrated a life of service motivated by compassion. Serving others opens doors for the Gospel to take root in the lives of others and in the ministries of the church.
Meaningful Relationships
We believe mankind was created to desire connections with others. God said it was “not good for man to be alone.” Followers of Jesus were saved into relationship with God and are called to love others in the way He loves us. To love as Christ loves is to develop community with others from different backgrounds, to forgive and to ask forgiveness, to serve, and to suffer. Our relationships with others are a reflection of our relationship with God.
Disciple Making
We believe all followers of Christ have been commissioned by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to make disciples. Disciple making begins with the efforts of evangelism to unbelievers and continues through the efforts of equipping believers to effectively make more disciples. Disciple making is the sharing of information which, through participation, leads ultimately to transformation.
Sacrificial Generosity
We believe God’s people are blessed by Him to be a blessing to others. The greatest act of love by God was in the giving of His Son, who willingly suffered and died as a sacrifice for our sin. God’s love for man cost Him greatly. So too must our love for God and others cost us greatly. As God’s people, we give of our time, treasures, and talents as an act of worship so the work of God can be furthered to the glory of God.