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Christ’s Sovereignty in Difficult Circumstances

I recently heard a pastor say, “Human emotions defy human logic.” In essence what he was stating was that often our emotions dictate our responses to any number of situations or circumstances. How many of us have looked at retirement accounts in the last few months and thought, “I’ll never recover!” or have faced a family crisis and said or done something that in a calmer moment we wouldn’t have said or done? And I won’t even mention the ballgame where we . . . well, you get the picture.

So often our emotions seem to have the power to dictate our responses in spite of facts and truth. The Philippian Christians were undoubtedly struggling under the weight of all of the effects of living in a fallen creation that is hostile to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This admonition of the apostle Paul to the church at Philippi was to know that Christ, and not their perceived crisis, was in control. The last few weeks may have felt like a crisis for us as a church family; however, we can confidently rest in the sovereign plan and purpose of our great God.

As we begin to navigate the process of searching for Eastmont’s next music pastor there are many questions and uncertainties that surround this process. Sometimes these questions and uncertainties can also lead to a variety of emotional responses. Allow me a moment to briefly outline the process.

We are working to make sure that we have leadership in place to ensure that the music portion of our worship services continues each week. Soon, the personnel committee will meet to form a search committee. This committee will be tasked with bringing to EBC a candidate for consideration by the church. Over the next few months as we work through this transition, we will utilize the Encourager to communicate important information and to inform you about how to pray for this ministry. 

This Sunday (7/24) at 4:00 p.m. we will have a family meeting in Fellowship Hall related to this transition. During that time we will address many of your concerns and questions as well as spend time in prayer together as we move into the next chapter of ministry to the River Region and to the ends of the earth.