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A Thanksgiving Reminder

One hundred and fifty-one years before our declaration of independence from England, fifty-three Plymouth colonists and ninety native Wampanoag gathered to celebrate a three-day feast after their first successful harvest in the “new world.” As we prepare to celebrate our Thanksgiving I want us to focus on Psalm 100 that we have been reading as a church together.

A Psalm of Praise

The title of this Psalm is A Psalm of Praise. Although the book of Psalms has been called “the Book of the Praises of Israel,” this is one of the only two Psalms with this specific heading. The word used here for “praise” is more commonly translated “thanksgiving” as it is in Psalm 100:4. The other “Psalm of praise” is Psalm 145.

The sense of the command in verse 3 is: “Learn without question that Jehovah is the Creator God.” Contrary to evolutionary theory, which views man as the pinnacle of the evolutionary process and as having perfected his own evolution once he evolved bi-pedality, it was God alone who made us, “not we ourselves.”

The exhortation to “bless His name” in verse 4 ties in with Psalm 95:2. Also, compare Psalm 95:1 and 100:1; as well as Psalm 95:7 with Psalm 100:3. The six Psalms 95-100 comprise a unit with the common theme of the coming universal reign of the Creator. Note further the sequential assertions that God made the sea and the drylands (Psalm 95:5), God made the heavens (Psalm 96:5), and God made us (Psalm 100:3).

The concluding verse 5, “His lovingkindness (same as “mercy”) is everlasting,” is the sextet of triumph psalms (95-100). This verse looks forward throughout eternity as God’s goodness and mercy and truth continue forever.

Thanksgiving & Service Reminders

This Thanksgiving as we eat our turkey and dressing and other favorite foods with family and friends our Guatemala Mission team will be sharing the good news of Jesus Christ away from home. Let’s not forget to pray for them daily as they serve. We will be observing our Week of Prayer for International Missions and our giving of our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Not only can we study God’s Word, pray and give but we can also serve. Our Children’s Christmas Festival is Saturday, December 7th and I’m sure Jeremy would appreciate more volunteers to help. Also, if you have forgotten to bring your shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child or haven’t filled a box it is not too late. Let us get those done no later than the 7th.
As we celebrate our 498th Thanksgiving let us be thankful “for our Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures to all generations!”