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Amplify Weekend 2021 Report

We’ve all felt the sting of having family and ministry gatherings canceled or postponed due to concerns over COVID19.
I’ve been longing and praying for an opportunity to once again experience a successful student ministry event, and following the cancellation of Winter Retreat, Disciple Now Weekend 2021 was next in line.
God Answered, MIGHTILY!!
Eastmont hosted nearly 300 students and adults from twelve area churches across three counties for a weekend of small group studies and three largegroup worship gatherings. The event was a success, and YOU are a major reason why.
Eastmont members stepped up to serve in incredible ways to make this weekend special for our students and all the students who joined us.
Our small groups did not stay in host homes as usual, so families served as group sponsors, decorating Bible study rooms and stocking those rooms with snacks and drinks.
Several adults drove buses for our ministry projects and group activities.
Our cooking team prepared and served meals safely (and deliciously of course).
Our tech team served tirelessly operating soundboards and cameras and screens so the worship services ran smoothly.
Parents and students stayed late and arrived early to help clean and prepare the church campus for each activity. Adults sorted Tshirts, took pictures, vacuumed floors, and so much more….all with a smile.
Altogether, over 50 adults and college students sacrificed their time to invest in their student ministry.
It was beautiful, and it was more of a blessing than you can imagine.
I cannot thank my Eastmont family enough for allowing me the privilege to serve as student pastor.
This Disciple Now Weekend will never be forgotten.
We saw students respond to God’s Word in ways that we haven’t witnessed in nearly a year.
And I was quickly reminded of how amazing our faith family is when we willingly come together to serve others and advance Christ’s Kingdom.