Pure as the Driven Snow

Pure as the Driven Snow 1

Last week, our home (along with all of south Alabama and the Gulf coast) was transformed into a frozen, winter wonderland. Sincere apologies to those still bitter that the snowstorm […]


WHY? 2

When is the last time you sat for a few minutes and asked the question, “Why?” Acts 17:26-27 tells us that God “determined the times set for [us] and the […]

The Greatest Gift of Christmas… Fruitcake?

The Greatest Gift of Christmas... Fruitcake? 4

The Encourager As we embark upon another holiday season, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss the greatest gift of Christmas (other than Jesus) …fruitcake. For those of you […]


Thankfull 5

Each November, our attention turns to Thanksgiving and memories of holidays spent at Granny’s house surrounded by extended family, eating food and sharing laughs while one or more of the […]


Thankful 6

By the time you read this our votes will have been cast, and we may still be waiting for final results from some places, effectively extending this grueling election season. […]

Good News

Good News 7

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that everywhere I look there is some sort of bad news. I see negativity on the news channels relating to […]

For We Are His Workmanship

For We Are His Workmanship 8

The Encourager Have you heard of the Redneck Toolbox? It’s simply duct tape and WD-40. If it moves and it’s not supposed to… use duct tape. If it doesn’t move, […]



Do you have a problem with pridefulness? I know I do. And you do too; you just may not realize it. Most of us think of pridefulness as outward boastfulness […]

Promotion Sunday

Promotion Sunday 10

FROM YOUR WORSHIP PASTOR: Mickey Ballard Worship: New and OldChurch history is replete with songs to be used in worship of Almighty God. On Friday, August 2, at 6:30 pm, […]