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Christmas Season Changes

**This post has been updated with the most current information as of Dec. 21st at 1 pm**

Eastmont Family and Friends:

Over recent weeks, the number of COVID cases in the River Region has steadily risen. This increase in cases led our pastors to consider what changes, if any, we should make concerning our Sunday, on-campus activities.  It is our desire to serve Christ faithfully as we exercise wisdom navigating this Christmas season together as safely as possible. With that in mind, please carefully take note of the time changes and other adjustments to our Sunday schedules for December 20, 27, and January 3.

THERE WILL BE NO ON-CAMPUS LIFEGROUPS. This includes all age groups from preschool through adult classes.

THERE WILL BE TWO SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES. The first service will begin at   9:45 a.m.  The second service will begin at 11:00 a.m. and can be viewed online.  As usual, we will ask attendees to wear masks and socially distance, paying attention to signage on the pews.

THERE WILL BE NO CHILDCARE PROVIDED DURING WORSHIP. We understand the difficulty this poses to many families in our congregation, and we thank you for understanding our reason for making this temporary change.  At       Eastmont, we value children and desire their presence in worship.  If you feel comfortable doing so, we encourage families to bring their children into worship.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand our reasoning for making these temporary changes. You can help us greatly in spreading this information by calling or texting friends and church family.  You can also help by sharing the information as it is provided on the Eastmont social media accounts.  May God bless you richly this Christmas season as you love Him and love others well.

-Pastor Frank

*Update: Regular worship times, as well as LifeGroups, will start back on Sunday, January 10, 2021.