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Coronavirus Update – 3.14.20

Since Eastmont’s last update concerning our response to the COVID-19 virus and its effects on our church gatherings, the Eastmont staff and leadership have discussed further adjustments to be made for this Sunday, March 15, 2020.  As a result of our discussion, we agree it best to amend our Sunday schedule in the following ways for March 15:

  • There will be one worship gathering at 10:30 a.m.
  • There will be no child care provided
  • There will be no Life Groups
  • There will be no 8:10 worship.

Due to the nature of the virus and in heeding the advice of medical professionals, Governor Ivey, and other state and local leaders, we strongly encourage those at greatest risk of suffering from this virus to refrain from attending worship.  This includes those not feeling well, the elderly, and those with a suppressed immune system or chronic respiratory and/or pulmonary problem.  For those who choose to attend, we ask you to practice social distancing, keeping a distance of six feet from others whenever possible.  We will also refrain from shaking hands and hugging as we greet one another.

For those choosing not to attend in person, we encourage you to take advantage of joining us in Spirit through the live stream on our website.  This is an extraordinary moment in the life of our church and we encourage you to worship along with us in an extraordinary way.  You may participate in our live stream by visiting  The video will begin at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning.

In the meantime, whether at home or on our church campus, we ask everyone to be in prayer concerning this pandemic and for those who become ill.  Always remember that our God is in control.

In Jesus’ Name,

Eastmont Staff and Leaders