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COVID-19 Gathering Changes

Eastmont Family:

Over the past week, as COVID-19 numbers in our area have risen, we have emphasized the urgency for our church family to exercise extreme caution in our gatherings.  Thank you for how well you’ve responded to the call to wear masks and social distance.  With the local increase in positive cases, our Eastmont family has also seen an increase in cases.  This week, our Senior Pastor, Bro. Frank, tested positive for COVID-19.  Frank is doing well in quarantine with mild symptoms thus far.  He and his family have contacted all people with whom they had any interaction.  He and his family appreciate your prayers and concerns as they deal with the virus and continue toward wellness.  In light of the circumstances, your church leadership believes it prudent to forego all Wednesday evening activities and Sunday LifeGroup activities for the next two weeks.

No Wednesday Activities:     January 13th and January 20th

No Sunday LifeGroups:          January 17th and January 24th

No Sunday Evening:               January 17th and January 24th

On January 17th and 24th, Sunday Worship services will take place at their normal times of 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. We encourage worshipers to exercise caution in their choice to attend worship.  All our previous safety measures will be in place.  As a precaution, we will have ushers escorting worshipers to their seats in an effort to best maintain social distancing.  As usual, the 11:00 a.m. service will be streamed on our website.  There will be no childcare provided during the services.  Many LifeGroup classes may choose to hold their gatherings online using ZOOM or Facebook Live.  We encourage you to contact your LifeGroup leader with inquiries related to specific group plans.

Again, thank you for your flexibility as we all seek to honor the LORD as we safely navigate the pandemic together.  Continue to pray for your church staff and for church family affected by COVID-19.  God bless you this week as you live to glorify Him.


-Eastmont Pastors and Leaders