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Every Season Has a Purpose

“To everything (turn, turn, turn), there is a season (turn, turn, turn) and a time to every purpose under heaven …” These lyrics, by the rock group the Byrds, begin the song, “Turn, Turn, Turn,’ that was released in 1965. The song was inspired by the writer, King Solomon, in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, specifically verses 1-8. Of course, Solomon was inspired by the Holy Spirit. These words from the Word of God, and of less importance, from a classic rock tune, remind me that there is a season for everything—”there is a time for every event under heaven” and that includes a worldwide pandemic.

Historically, pandemics come and go. God is still God through each of these, sometimes catastrophic, events. He is just as sovereign during a global virus as He is in times of war or times of peace (verse 8). God also says that there is an “appointed time for everything” (verse 1). This is not the first pandemic, nor will it be the last.

The important thing is to continue to live our lives trusting our Creator, Sustainer and Savior. With everyone seeking God’s leadership and discernment and each of us safeguarding ourselves, our families and one another, then we will all be able to get through this “season,” this “appointed time” of pandemic. God is good all the time—all the time, God is good!

I am handing over the remainder of my article space for Lance Maddox to share some news with you!

Facility Updates

We have some exciting news to share… It has been approved through a 2 month process from the technical committee through the deacons and our stewardship team to move forward with a 3 phased plan to repair, improve, & update our church security cameras, computers, networking and video ministry equipment. The first phase will be roughly $185,000 and the money will come from estate gifts donated to Eastmont as well as using a portion from our Emergency/Building Maintenance Fund. From upgrading outdated and obsolete equipment to safeguarding our church family, we are blessed by your faithful giving to move forward and take care of these needs! We’ll need some help from the many capable hands of our church members to make this possible too!

The first phase is already underway with the purchase of necessary cabling etc. and once it arrives, we could use a lot of help to run wires throughout the church building. If you aren’t afraid of ladders, keep watching for more information. We want to get started as soon as we can, but we are currently waiting for the materials to come in. We’ll have a plan and let you know about dates to volunteer asap!