Fishers of Men

How many words would it take to change your life? To inspire hope? To make you willing to sell everything you own and risk your life? 

“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” – Matthew 4:19 

These 10 words were all it took for Peter and Andrew to make that life-altering decision to get out of the boat. In fact, it’s these 10 words that ushered in a new understanding of what it meant for men, women, and children to relate to and follow their Creator. These 10 words were the beginning of a three-year journey with Jesus that would culminate in these unlikely men being the very ones through whom the message of the gospel would be proclaimed and the mission of church would be entrusted. 

Our mission is the same as that of the true church of every generation, namely that together we proclaim and pursue Jesus as Lord (see the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18 – 20). In light of that unchanging mission, we recognize that from time to time it is necessary for local churches like Eastmont to prayerfully consider how we are best suited and called to fulfill this mission. For that reason, our pastoral staff is working to develop and refine a 10-year vision for Eastmont Baptist Church, and we need your help.

First, we need you to pray for wisdom and discernment to prevail and that our hearts and minds will focus on the plans God has for Eastmont. Second, we would like for you to give input. This coming Sunday (2/19) we will launch our “10 for 10”survey – 10 questions for 10 years. We want everyone who currently attends Eastmont to participate, and we will give you more information during our worship services this week. 

I’m looking forward to seeing where the Holy Spirit will lead us as we seek to proclaim and pursue Jesus as Lord.

“Follow me, and I will make you   fishers of men.”Matthew 4:19