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Get to Know Interim Pastor, Jeff McFarland

Happy New Year to everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that your holidays were spent with family and friends.

Even though the Christmas season is hectic and sometimes frustrating it is and will always be my most favorite time of the year. Even though I couldn’t see you, I enjoyed spending Christmas Eve with you around the Lord’s table. The candlelight wasn’t what I had envisioned it to be but it was very meaningful and provided a great atmosphere for worship. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world (John 1:9; 8:12) and the light of candles in the dark room reminded us of that.

We have been blessed to have Dr. Kevin Blackwell serve with us as our Interim Pastor. This past Sunday was his last in the pulpit and we are very thankful for his bringing God’s Word to us during this Christmas season. Please continue to pray for Lorrie, his wife as she continues to recover from eye surgery.

Welcome Jeff McFarland

Sunday, January 5th will be the first time our new interim, Jeff McFarland will be preaching. Jeff was the speaker for our Men’s Ministry Chili Cookoff in November. Jeff and his wife, Trudy are both from Montgomery and live close to our church in Towne Lake. They have been married 34 years and have two married adult children and three grandchildren. They call Jeff “Big Poppi” (his favorite name). Jeff has a Business Administration degree from Auburn University at Montgomery.

Jeff served on staff at Highland Avenue Baptist Church for five years and at Thorington Road Baptist Church for five years. In 2002 he and Trudy spent a year in India with a mission organization called Epic International. In 2004 they founded TREC International which stands for “Teach, Reach, Equip, Comfort.” They have spent 13 years in India ministering with Nepali speaking people. Three years ago they began a work in Nepal as well as Cuba. They help develop partnerships with indigenous pastors. You can learn more about their ministry through their website at

This will not be Jeff’s first interim as he served a year at Thorington Road and six months at Vaughn Forest. He also preached at Taylor Road when they were without a pastor.

Let’s give Jeff a warm Eastmont welcome!