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Getting Back to Normal

Getting back to normal!?
It has been truly encouraging to see so many of our Eastmont family coming back to in-person worship and LifeGroups. Seeing and listening to so many of you over the last several weeks has given me an excitement about the future and potential of EBC to reach our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So is this what “normal” is going to feel like? That depends upon what we expect “normal” to be. Vance Havner once said, “Revival is simply New Testament Christianity, the saints going back to
normal.”(emphasis added). Maybe we need a new definition of “normal” here at Eastmont. 
What if our understanding of “normal” described us as being the people of God who“devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers”? What if out of our common devotion we became a people who boldly testified to the world around us that Jesus Christ is Lord? And then, what if we began to see sinners saved; marriages healed; broken lives restored?
Eastmont, let’s get back to normal!