Greater Things

Have you ever experienced a moment of greatness? Maybe you won the league championship or received that promotion. Maybe you aced the final exam or earned a superior rating by the contest judges. Moments of greatness are typically preceded by one or two significant events that served as the primary catalysts propelling us on the trajectory that carried us toward success. I believe Sunday, May 21, 2023, was one of those moments in the life of Eastmont.

On that day we held our FIRST Ministry Celebration Sunday. We united to worship Jesus and celebrate all the LORD has done and is doing through the various ministries of our church. Nearly 300 Eastmont members, from children to senior adults, were together applauding the reports of gospel-centered efforts and strategies from the previous three months. Our focus was not inward, merely congratulating ourselves. The focus was UPWARD, thankful for all God is doing. The focus was also OUTWARD, a reminder that we exist to serve others in the name of Jesus. Lastly, the focus was FORWARD, encouraging all our members to recognize that, although these moments are worth celebrating, the greatest days of service to King Jesus are yet to come.

Although the idea of adjusting business meetings had been discussed previously, much of what occurred Sunday night was in direct response to comments from our “10 for 10” campaign. In reviewing the responses, we noticed several themes frequently appearing. One common concern was a seeming lack of unity across all age groups. You expressed a desire to remove obstacles hindering growth and cohesion. On Sunday night, our multi-generational church experienced unity in a fresh way. We sang new songs, sat near new families and broke bread together. You expressed a burden to invest heavily in our community. On Sunday night, you cheered as we voted to receive new families into our membership and as we shared stories of gospel breakthroughs in and around Montgomery. You expressed desire to revive our passion for the gospel and for the Church. On Sunday night, we unveiled a new logo highlighting the cross of Christ that radiates from the hill in east Montgomery and represents a church that will boldly press onward to proclaim the gospel to all who may hear it.

Our next Ministry Celebration Sunday is August 27th. Be praying NOW to discern how the LORD is calling you to help Eastmont continue to move forward toward the greater things yet to come…