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Interim Search Committee Announcement

On Sunday, 4/28, Bro. Mike announced his retirement date as Sunday, June 16th, about six weeks from now.

While the Pastor Search Committee has been working diligently since December, their deliberate process does not have them within six weeks of calling a pastor.

The Administrative Deacons, recognizing a need for continuity between the time Bro. Mike retires and the new Pastor begins his ministry, met Monday night, 4/29, and formed a committee to search for an interim pastor.

These men volunteered to act quickly to secure an interim pastor for Eastmont to begin as soon as possible after Bro. Mike’s last Sunday as pastor.

Please pray daily for Jim Hyland, Dallas Vick, and Travis Norwood as they conduct this search.

Also, please continue to pray for the Pastor Search Committee as they review resumes and conduct interviews.

In Christ,
David Seay, Deacon Chairman