The Eastmont Pastor Search Committee that was approved by the church at the regularly scheduled business meeting on Wednesday, November 28th, has already had a couple of meetings. That committee is composed of Cindy Pitts, Courtney Corum, Brian Clements, Travis Jordan, David Seay, Jerry Short, and chairman, Brian Key. We have established regular weekly meeting time, and a ‘backup’ meeting time when scheduling conflicts arise.
We take Eastmont’s confidence in us very seriously and have committed to regular prayer, Bible study, and fasting. We invite all who are willing to join us in praying for us to recognize God’s will in this very serious matter. We also invite everyone to join us in reading and studying the New Testament books of I and II Timothy, and Titus, which focus on the Apostle Paul’s instruction to young pastors. We will be sharing a guide to studying these books in the near future. Finally, we encourage all who are medically able, to join us in periodic fasting. We will soon share guidelines about that, as well.
We also will be soliciting input from Eastmont members soon, in an organized manner, in order to better understand, as much as possible, who Eastmont is, and who we need to become. We will report our progress and prayer needs on a regular basis through the Encourager and other methods.