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LifeGroup Focus: Young Married Class

Several years ago, Eric and Heather Hill saw a growing number of newly married (or soon-to-be newly married) couples at Eastmont and felt a call to begin a LifeGroup for these young couples. Taylor Guttensohn, a member of the group, says, “You can really tell that Eric and Heather have a passion for serving our LifeGroup and trying to reach out to others as well.”

Evan and Ashley Grant are among those who call this LifeGroup home. When asked what they like about their group, Evan said, “I like the friendships that we have built over the last couple of years and new friendships that are made with new couples.” He says that having friends who are in the same stage of life as them is important because they can relate with one another and they can go through life’s challenges together.

Taylor and his wife, Shayne, have been a part of this group from the beginning. Taylor said, “What I like about our LifeGroup is that we get to grow in our faith with other couples who are in similar walks of life with us. We get to pour into them and be poured into. This class is definitely an important part of our lives. The way the Hills have provided their leadership and counsel has been such a blessing in our lives and in our marriage.”

Outside of Sunday morning Bible study, they have enjoyed Christmas parties, game nights, and even football parties. Any time the LifeGroup gets together is an awesome time to grow closer as well as reaching out to other couples who wouldn’t be able to attend on Sunday mornings.

While this LifeGroup is important to these young couples, they are also important to Eastmont and to Kingdom growth. They can be seen serving in several ministries throughout the church as well as reaching out to our community. If you know a young couple looking for a place to belong, this is a group where they will be