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Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry at Eastmont Baptist Church provides opportunities for spiritual development and Christian fellowship designed to help men establish and strengthen relationships with Christ and one another.


There are a number of weekly opportunities for men to gather for a regular time of small group Bible study. From Sunday morning LifeGroup classes at the church to Tuesday morning prayer groups at a local restaurant or coffee shop, there is always availability to connect with other men who are walking together in Christ.

Speak with our Discipleship Pastor, Cleve Mallory, to learn more about Bible study opportunities or prayer groups in Men’s Ministry.


Serve Day

Once a year, Eastmont hosts a Serve Day where we partner with various ministries and entities in our surrounding community, assisting them in whatever ways are needed. Many of our partnerships require construction, painting, yardwork, and other activities that call for heavy involvement of our Eastmont men.

Carpenters for Christ

Each Summer, Eastmont assembles a team of men who partner with another church family to build a permanent structure on their property. In recent years, our Carpenters for Christ teams have served in Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and more. If you have any desire to learn more about Carpenters for Christ, let us know by speaking to one of our pastors.

Various Events

Godly fellowship, Christian community is something men often seem to lack. Eastmont men fill this need by organizing different events allowing men to connect and grow together. Whether it’s men’s softball or wing night at the local restaurant, we’ll find a way to develop relationships and serve the LORD together.