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Women’s Ministry

The Eastmont Baptist Women’s Ministry seeks to connect women to God through five key areas: discipleship, fellowship, worship, service and evangelism. We believe each of these areas to be Biblically endorsed. We strive to organize various events during the year to keep our ladies connected to God and to one another.

Bible Studies

There are a number of weekly opportunities for women to gather for a regular time of small group Bible study. On Sunday mornings, we have a handful of LifeGroup classes at the church for women, led by women. There are also opportunities for women’s Bible study/prayer groups on Sunday evenings and Thursday mornings.

Speak with our Discipleship Pastor, Cleve Mallory, to learn more about Bible study opportunities or prayer groups in Women’s Ministry.


Serve Day

Once a year, Eastmont hosts a Serve Day where we partner with various ministries and entities in our surrounding community, assisting them in whatever ways are needed. Many of our partnerships require construction, painting, yardwork, and other activities that call for heavy involvement of our Eastmont men.


Tablescapes is an event where women gather to eat a great meal and hear from a great speaker. Eastmont women are invited to host a particular table(s) where they can show some old-fashioned Southern hospitality using their own fine tableware and decorating with a specific theme, etc. It’s a great gathering where women can connect with other women from different generations.

Various Outings

At different times of year, we organize various gatherings. We may go out to lunch or meet up for a day-trip somewhere. One thing is certain, memories will be made and the LORD will be glorified as we grow together in Christ.