Ministry Celebration Sunday

Have you ever audibly answered what was intended as a rhetorical question and then noticed the looks of the people around you? You know — those looks that, if someone were retelling the question and your answer, would include the facepalm emoji? In Amos 3:3 the Lord uses one such question, “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to meet?” It’s one of those times that the answer seems so obvious. And the principle is that those two must share the same purpose, passion, and direction. 

A few years ago the International Mission Board published an article that highlighted 4 characteristics which caused the early church to spread like wildfire. They said that the early church in the book of Acts possessed these traits: a faith that produced obedience, a passion that produced unity, a desperation that produced prayer, and the Spirit who produced power. I know that we desire the same spreading of the Gospel throughout the River Region and to the ends of the earth that was seen in the life of the early followers of Jesus. And if this is our desire then maybe we should return to the question in Amos 3:3, “Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet?” 

On Sunday, May 21st, at 5:00 p.m., we will have the inaugural meeting of what we are calling our Eastmont Ministry Celebration. The design for this time is that it will be a celebration of all that Christ is doing at Eastmont and will include elements of worship through music, reports from our pastors, discussion about upcoming events and emphases, and a time for the church family to reconnect and be reminded about who weare and where we are going as the faith family known as Eastmont. And what meeting would be complete without a meal that accompanies it? So after our ministry celebration, we will join together for a meal and spend some time getting to know and reconnecting with one another. We’re looking forward to great days of Christ exalting ministry together!