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Mission Critical

When we describe something as “mission-critical” we are stating that this idea or activity is essential to the survival of an organization. Have you thought about what things would be mission-critical for Eastmont?

When it comes to those things that are mission-critical for this or any local church, first we must agree that the presence of the Holy Spirit, Who sanctifies, guides, and empowers us for the work of ministry, is mission-critical. But what of the other practices and disciplines?

Taking our cues from the New Testament we could easily come to the conclusion that a true church has certain distinguishing marks: the preaching of the Word of God, the provision of the ordinances, and the practice of discipline. So, each of these three would be considered “mission-critical,” right? But what else should we classify under that category? 

One of the activities that must be understood and accepted as mission-critical is evangelism. Charles Spurgeon once said, “every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor.” At another point, he declared, “If there be anything about which we cannot tolerate lukewarmness, it is the matter of sending the gospel to a dying world.”

For Spurgeon and faithful followers of Christ for the past two millennia, the responsibility and privilege of telling others about the grace and mercy of God shown to us through the sending of His own Son were mission-critical. 

Brothers and sisters, what Montgomery, the River Region, and the world need more than anything is those who are willing to follow Christ and declare to their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers the glorious message of hope that “Jesus Christ has come to save sinners!”

During the current series, we are asking you to identify one person that you will pray for and work to share the gospel with over the course of the next year. Who’s Your One?