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Pastor Search Announcement – September 27

For the last several months, the pastor search team has continued to diligently search for the next man that God has to lead Eastmont. I know at times it seemed that the progress was very slow, and while we understand your frustrations, COVID truly did slow down the process. The committee continued to meet weekly, or more, via Zoom.

We reviewed more than 450 resumes since beginning this process in 2018. We listened and watched sermons via YouTube and Facebook and met virtually with many candidates.

Through this process, we are excited to share that the Lord provided discernment and led the committee to pursue one man. After many in-person and virtual discussions, the committee has unanimously voted to call him as our next Senior Pastor.

We are excited about this man of God and his family. We know that each of you will enjoy his preaching, serving with him, and ministering to our community.

We have invited him to come in two weeks (Oct. 10th and 11th) in view of a call.

Next Sunday, October 4th, the committee will share with you more information about the details of that weekend. Followed by sharing his name, bio, and provide safe ways for everyone to get to meet them. Please go ahead and mark your calendars and make sure you plan to come and meet him and his family on Oct. 10th and 11th.

On behalf of the committee, we are thankful for your prayers, fasting, texts, cards, and personal words of encouragement during this process. Those have been important to us and helped us get through.

We are eager to have the new pastor and his family join us and we can’t wait to see how the Lord is going to continue to use Eastmont in Montgomery and throughout the world to impact the kingdom of God. We ask that you continue to pray for us and specifically for him and his family during this time.


-Brian Key, Chairman of Pastor Search Committee