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Pastor Search Committee Update

On January 17th, Eastmont’s Pastor Search committee met with Bro. Mike Jackson from the Alabama State Board of Missions (ALSBOM) for over two hours. He is the resource there who works with Alabama Baptist churches in pastoral transitions. He shared a wealth of information that he has gained over many years of assisting churches in searching for a pastor.

While the qualifications for a pastor are clearly described in scripture, especially in the New Testament books we are reading, studying, and praying over together, specific tasks and responsibilities can vary from congregation to congregation. The committee is currently developing a job description for the new pastor that is Eastmont specific. This will be used when the time comes to begin gathering resumes.

We are grateful to Eastmont ministers, Cleve Mallory, Art Long, and Gene Kim for agreeing to record a brief video each week of January, February, and March, summarizing the books of I & II Timothy and Titus. These videos will help us as a congregation to better understand the Apostle Paul’s teachings about the responsibilities of pastors. Currently, these videos are available on FaceBook, and the most recent one along with links to past ones is found on the pastor search page of

The committee has published a prayer guide that was included in the order of worship several weeks ago. That guide is still available from the church office. We will publish a fasting guide soon. You can also download this guide on the pastor search page.

The committee, which meets at least weekly, is composed of Cindy Pitts, Courtney Corum, Brian Clements, Travis Jordan, David Seay, Jerry Short, and chairman, Brian Key. Please continue to pray for us.

We will report our progress and prayer needs on a regular basis through the Encourager, the new Eastmont website, and other methods.