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Pastor Search Update

Since our last update, the Pastor Search Committee — composed of Brian Clements, Courtney Corum, Travis Jordan, Cindy Pitts, David Seay, Jerry Short, and chairman, Brian Key —has been meeting on weekly basis. During this time we have reviewed and discussed more than 230 resumes. We have also prayerfully narrowed them down to around 20 men. Since mid-April, we have listened to sermons, conducted interviews with almost each of these candidates and expect to complete the first round of interviews by the first week of July. Our goal would be to begin the second round of interviews with a smaller number of candidates by mid-July.

We ask the church to continue to pray for us and the next pastor God has planned for Eastmont. We would specifically ask those who are medically able to consider fasting and praying with us on Wednesday, July 10th. While you are fasting from food or something else, please use that time to pray for us and for the Lord’s discernment. Our committee will break our fast when we meet that evening to begin reviewing each of the initial 20 interviews and begin to move onward to the second round of interviews.

-Brian Key, Chairman of Pastor Search Committee