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Pray Expectantly for the Future

In April of 1968, the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in theatres throughout the country. As a 14 year old, I watched this fantasy/sci-fi film and I couldn’t imagine the world this movie depicted existing in thirty-two years. We were still 14 months away from putting a man on the moon. I certainly couldn’t see myself living in the twenty-first century.

The movie is a fictional plot about a connection between past and future. I remember where we were thirty years ago as a church. In 1990 we were still a decade away from a new century and like most S.B.C churches, we were more concerned about tradition, by-laws, and policies than we are today. Thankfully, today we are growing more in the Word of God and sharing the gospel with those around us and around the world.

We have a traditional and a blended worship service today. We have new facilities and technology, including DVD players and flat screens in almost every classroom. In 1990 we were not far removed from film strips, flannel boards, and overhead projectors.

Anticipating the Future

We have a great past. We need a greater future. Some are asking why we don’t have a new pastor after nine months of searching. I would remind everyone that we as a church have entrusted seven people to serve on our pastor search committee. They are doing the hard work that we wouldn’t or couldn’t do. We need to remember there were two years between worship pastors. Finding the right man to succeed Bro. Mike’s lengthy tenure is not an easy task. All I know is that the committee is working diligently, tirelessly and prayerfully in this process. As the interim pastor I’m not privy to where we are in the search nor do I want to know.

While we, the committee and the new pastor may not know, God does know. It is not about our timing, but it is all about His. We trust Him through the Holy Spirit to lead that man here and then we trust that man to trust God in leading us as a church into the future and in our mission from God and for God.

Serve, Grow, and Pray

With that said, I’m thankful for J.D Payne being with us for the month of September. We pray God’s continued blessing on him, his family, and his work. We look forward to his colleague, Dr. Kevin Blackwell coming in October as our interim preacher. I will have his bio in the order of worship for October 6.

Let’s continue to serve, grow and pray together for our pastor search committee, the new pastor and for the future of our church. “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11