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Preschool/Children’s Minister Job Description

Eastmont Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL is seeking a full-time Preschool/Children’s Minister responsible for planning, leading and implementing the ministry to children from birth through sixth grade and their families, in coordination with pastoral staff, to help them become devoted followers of Christ. Position will report directly to the Senior Pastor.



  • Bachelor’s degree required. Seminary degree preferred.
  • A calling to vocational ministry and a passion to minister through the local church to influence the lives of children with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Adherence to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
  • Experience with administration, evangelism, teaching, leadership and service.



  • Actively seek to lead children to personal faith in Jesus Christ and help them to become devoted followers of Christ.
  • Plan and oversee all activities and ministries included in the children’s ministry (Sunday and Wednesday programs, VBS, seasonal events, etc.)
  • Develop and invest in a growing volunteer staff for each ministry area.
  • Organize and provide training and planning sessions for leaders/volunteers.
  • Maintain all security procedures including screening and background checks for volunteers.
  • Prepare and manage the budget for preschool/children’s ministry and submit to the Stewardship Committees.
  • Coordinate summer activities for children, as well as camps, mission projects, etc.
  • Maintain a children’s ministry calendar for all ministry activities.
  • Liaison for any other Eastmont ministries related to Eastmont Children’s Ministry.
  • Coordinate childcare for church activities and ministries.
  • Maintain regular communication with parents and volunteers through visits, calls, texts, email and other appropriate means.
  • Continue active presence on social media to communicate with parents, volunteers, community, etc.
  • Be available to counsel and pray with children and families regarding spiritual matters.
  • Provide training and support to equip parents to guide their children.
  • Minister to teachers, children and their families who are hospitalized or grieving.
  • Work with the association and state board of missions in promoting activities concerning children.
  • Other duties as assigned.


To apply: Submit resume and cover letter to [email protected].