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Prospective Pastor Schedule

Prospective Pastor Meet & Greet Schedule

Oct. 10th
9 am – Eastmont Deacons
1 – 2:30 pm – Eastmont members 50+ or those at high risk of the virus
3 – 4:30 pm – Eastmont members 49 and younger

*All Meet & Greet events will be held in the Fellowship Hall.

*The 3-4:30 Meet & Greet will be live-streamed on the church website at for anyone who is unable to attend in person.

* Please submit questions for the prospective pastor via the Contact Form at the bottom of the Pastor Search page of the website.

Prospective Pastor Voting Process

  • Voting will be on the website.
  • Voting will be available from noon on Saturday, Oct. 10th until 1 pm on Sunday, October 11th.
  • Click on the “Pastor Vote’ button on the homepage or go to
  • One vote per church member.
  • To ensure that only Eastmont members vote, your name will be required to vote but will be kept confidential.

On Sunday, we will have stations set up in the vestibule and long hallway if you do not have a mobile device or need assistance.

If you are worshiping from home and are not comfortable with submitting your vote online, we will have someone in the church office on Sunday, October 11th from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. answering calls and confidentially recording your votes.
You may call 334-277-6300 to submit your vote during that time frame.