Reaching the Nations, Together.

Reaching the Nations, Together,

Each December, Southern Baptist churches work in cooperation to raise money for international
missions. 100% of the money from the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes directly to missionaries
on the field to help further their ministry to the Kingdom. In Matthew 28 we see a familiar passage,
called the Great Commission, where Jesus commands His disciples to “Go and make disciples of all
nations.” As believers, this is not an option, it’s a command. So how do we follow that command?
There are many lost people in our area who don’t know the hope we have in Jesus. We can share the
gospel face to face, but that isn’t the end of it. We are called to make disciples of “all nations.” At
Eastmont, we have sent many short-term teams internationally to do just that. There are many who
physically cannot attend those trips in person but still play a crucial part by giving financially. Eastmont
is incredible at supporting those teams through the yard-sale, bake-sale, breakfast fundraiser, and
countless other ways. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is a way that we can financially support
those who are on the mission field full time. We’ve learned about these missionaries at VBS, through
watching videos, talking with Jamie and Lauren, and even having our international missions night
December 3. Now is a time where we can not only learn about what God is doing around the world
but also play a part. Our goal as a church is $60,000, which is the average cost to financially support a
missionary family to stay on the mission field for a whole year. Please prayerfully consider what the
Lord is leading you to give. This Christmas season, let’s hit our goal and help fulfill the Great