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Reclaiming Our Young People

Various studies conclude that 80% or more of young people today leave the church for college, job training, and all levels of higher education are not returning to church. Answers to why we are losing a whole generation from our churches are many and varied, but the number one reason I believe for this exodus is a crisis of faith. We see our youth today already questioning their belief system that has been under direct attack as early as preschool.

The belief in a Creator God who has “created the heavens and the earth” as stated in Genesis 1:1 has been under siege even before they could read this verse. The belief in evolution and/or millions and billions of years are reinforced in the educational process as well as all forms of media, including children’s television shows and educational shows like “Animal Planet” and “A&E.”

Why Young People Leave

I am a staunch believer that the Bible is the Word of God and that Genesis 1:1 is unique, the foundation of foundations, probably the first words ever written down, either revealed to Adam or even written directly by God Himself. One who really believes Genesis 1:1 will have no difficulty believing the rest of Scripture. This is why I believe we must teach our children, youth, and everyone of every age the all-important truth of the book of the beginnings.

You can’t teach apologetics unless you begin here. You can’t be a most effective disciple or discipler unless this is your starting place. To truly be “ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15) begins here. A firm grasp of Genesis and especially the first eleven chapters is crucial to bringing back this generation and to reaching the next generation to come.

I am teaching Sunday evenings on “The Six Days of Creation” in Genesis chapter one. We will be studying day two (Genesis 1:6-8) Sunday at 6:00 pm in room 205. Everyone is welcome.

Let’s reclaim our young people and reach the lost!