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Regathering Updates and Encouragement

Some, if not most, would say that we are living in perilous times. Although I can’t deny that, I would rather think more optimistically and say that, for the church, these are more opportune times. Yes, we are in the midst of a pandemic with multiple reasons for all of us to be gravely concerned. Now we are seeing what should be peaceful protests become violent riots in cities across our country. A political divide has now widened and those sworn to protect us have now been targeted as the enemy. What happened in Minneapolis was abhorrent. As former law enforcement, I can assure you that these men were not representative of the men and women who are called to “serve and protect” us. Even though this was a travesty, the response of burning down our cities is not the answer. All that is happening is only piled on top of the many other ills and problems that have been plaguing our nation.

For the church, which includes each and every follower of Christ, this should not be a time to fear, but rather a time to allow the light of Jesus Christ to shine through our lives and through the life of His Church. It should be a time of humility, confession of sin, repentance, and trusting our God and not man. It is a time to pray for one another and for a lost and dying world. It is a time to live out the gospel.

This Sunday evening at 6:00 pm we will hopefully, weather permitting, come together for outdoor worship in front of our worship center. Then on Sunday morning, June 14, during the 9:00 and 11:00 am hours we will worship in-person. We will enter through the front of our worship center (those with disabilities included) and our security team will assist in parking as everyone uses the Bowling Green entrance. We will practice social distancing of 6 feet apart (except for families), masks and gloves will be provided and encouraged to be worn, especially if you sing. You may drop your tithe and/or offerings in designated receptacles in the foyer or as you enter or exit. Online or mail-in giving is still encouraged. The balcony will be closed. Restrooms are available for emergency use only. Front doors to the worship center will open 15 minutes prior to each service. We are asking you to go to and look for the link to register to attend. The 11:00 service will be live-streamed.

Bro. Mike would encourage us as a church to remember: Stay apart. Stay in touch. Stay with Christ. Stay on mission. Bro. Jeff would say, “Go, Fight, Win!”