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Sing to the Lord a New Song | The Ten Commandments of Singing

The Ten Commandments of Congregational Singing (by Pat Vandegriff)
1.Thou shalt sing!
2.Thou shalt sing with all of thy heart, all of thy soul, and with all of thy might.
3. Thou shalt sing fearlessly, ignoring the possible wandering glances of your neighbors. They would like to sing with
4. you if they had the nerve, and they will sing if you continue singing.
Thou shalt sing joyfully, as it is written by the prophet Isaiah, “Sing, 0 heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains” (Isa. 49:13).
5.Thou shalt sing reverently, for music is prayer.
6.Thou shalt not be afraid to sing, for though an individual may pray in prose or even in wordless silence, a congregation must sing.
7. Thou shalt not resist new melodies, for it is written in the Book of Psalms: “O sing unto the Lord a new song.” Ps. 96:1
8.Thou shalt not mumble the melody, but shall sing it out loudly, even if with occasional mistakes.
9.Thou shalt not hesitate to sing together with the trained voices of the choir. They want you to join them.
10.Thou shalt not forget the words of the psalmist: “I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live. (Ps. 104:33)

“Come, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known…
Let those refuse to sing who never knew our God”
Isaac Watts
1991 Baptist Hymnal, No. 524

“With gladness in your heart, thanksgiving in your spirit
Be quick to praise the Lord, let all around you hear it!
…Sing, congregation, sing!”
Terry York
1991 Baptist Hymnal, No. 397

“How can I keep from singing your praise?”
Chris Tomlin/Matt Redman/Ed Cash
“It’s Your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise”
David Leonard/Jason Ingram/Leslie Jordan