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Spotlight on Missions: Emilyn Meyer

Eastmont’s own Emilyn Meyer currently serves in ministry in Opelika, Alabama, through the North American Mission Board. The daughter of Jeff and Katrina Meyer, Emilyn and her sister, Cassie, grew up at Eastmont. She is also the niece of Mike and Tracey Klepec and cousin to Lauren B. who serves in South Asia through theInternational Mission Board. 

Emilyn works at First Baptist Opelika as a campus missionary. She serves the church’s nearly 300 college students and coordinates with Auburn University and Southern Union to reach out to students on local campuses. Emilyn participates in outreach, coordinating worship, planning events, and helping local college students find a place to worship and serve within the church. 

As a missionary, Emilyn relies on the support of the North American Mission Board. She has great respect for the way NAMB comes together as a team to empower people to spread the name of Jesus. She says NAMB provides a platform to do ministry, connect people, and cast a vision for spreading the Gospel. Emilyn also relies on the support of her home church Eastmont. She says her church family can support her through praying for her to have consistent time in the Word and to have boldness to share it with others.

Your support of NAMB through the Annie Armstrong MissionOffering supports missionaries in North America like Emilyn.

This article was written by Eastmont member, Cheri Norwood.