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Staying Up to Date & Caring for One Another

There were 14 of us Zooming together in our staff meeting this week. Technology has allowed us to do so much more during this pandemic than we could do otherwise. The ability to live stream our Sunday morning worship and for many LifeGroups to continue to study God’s Word together has truly been a blessing. Even though we need upgrades in our sound and video equipment our tech team is doing their very best in making sure we are all able to worship while staying in place.

This has been a very difficult time for all of us as a church family and for our extended families and friends. The crisis we are in should be seen as an opportunity for the church to be what God has designed her to be. The early church did not depend on the government to help them out but each member watched out for one another. They helped those struggling financially and those without a family support system. We are here for one another, but it is necessary to let our needs be known. A call to the church at 277-6300 with a message that you need to speak with a staff member or church leader will be returned.

Even though we are mailing out the Encourager again, this is not the best way to inform during a time when news and updates change daily. For those who have access to the internet, please visit our website often and join our email list to receive updates via email. For those without internet capabilities please contact a church member who does have access so that they can keep you informed. We need to stay in touch with one another. I encourage Bible study teachers, LifeGroup leaders and deacons to contact your members.

We are not yet able to come together for worship and we don’t know when that date will be. Your staff is working together and with other churches and with health care professionals to make a plan for us to safely come together at some point in the future. We will let the church know well in advance of that time.

In the meantime, let me encourage you to continue to give faithfully to our Lord, to pray for one another, to stay connected, and to trust our God fully. Stay safe!