Stronger: Developing Spiritual Disciplines

Some of the most recognizable paintings in the world were the product of Leonardo da Vinci’s artistry. But what may surprise you most about someone with such timeless ability that few if any have been able to replicate is that much of da Vinci’s timeless success is the product of his own discipline.

Writers have often referred to the fact that da Vinci at one point sketched over 1,000 hands – and you thought it was rough when you had to sketch one or two in art class. No wonder he was so successful. To be sure da Vinci had tremendous natural talent and ability, but it was his discipline that made the difference.

I once read an author who contended, “Discipline is everything.” The necessity of discipline is what is behind our current sermon series, “Stronger: Developing Spiritual Disciplines.” Paul admonished Timothy to discipline himself for the purpose of godliness. In the Christian life, discipline is not for the purpose of a perishable prize nor is it for fading glory.

As followers of Jesus, we discipline ourselves in order to know the fullness of joy that is from the fountain of grace. One author said it this way, “Spiritual discipline frees us from the gravity of this present age and allows us to soar with the saints and angels.” 

I pray you will make every effort (discipline) to join us as we explore the height and depth and breadth of God’slove through the application of the spiritual disciplines!