
By the time you read this our votes will have been cast, and we may still be waiting for final results from some places, effectively extending this grueling election season. One thing we won’t be waiting for is the appearance of Christmas decorations and even those Reese’s Trees. But before we jump into Advent and Christmas, I want to take a few moments to offer a few words of thanksgiving.

First, I am thankful for the fellowship of believers known as Eastmont Baptist Church that has embraced my family. The local church is God’s ordained vehicle to provide for the spiritual needs of the members of each congregation. It is at Eastmont that my family is taught the truths of God’s word and where we all express our dependence upon and need for Christ weekly. I am thankful for the way that so many of you serve in various ministries and in a number of ways. We have so many servant- minded people at Eastmont that I wouldn’t dare try to list them, but I can’t say thank you enough for those of you who step up and meet needs as they arise. Your service – seen or unseen – contributes to the strength and effectiveness of the church as a whole.

I am thankful for the many displays of generosity shown by the Eastmont family. At times, this generosity is expressed in terms of financial means as you give of your tithes to support the planned ministries of Eastmont or through offerings to support missionaries or other causes. Still at other times it is your willingness to give of your time and abilities. I have seen many of you love people well just through your presence as others have need.

I am thankful for the living testimonies of grace that I have witnessed, especially in the lives of senior adults, who are finishing well. Sometimes the most encouraging moments in my life have been when I have watched as members of our faith family simply lived out, in tangible terms, the faith we sing and preach about.

I am thankful for the children and students at Eastmont. Each of these children represent families seeking to raise a generation in the faith we all share. They seek to raise a generation that will be equipped to live faithfully in a world that may not be too friendly to the gospel message and a generation that will know the peace of Christ in the midst of difficult days.

I am thankful for the past, present, and future of Eastmont. A few months ago, we voted to work toward a facility plan that will help us be more effective in accomplishing our ministry. We had hoped to bring that plan to you at our next ministry celebration, but that plan isn’t quite ready, so we’re setting our target for February. Even with that delay there is still so much of our 164-year history and the current realities of our ministry for which to be thankful.

Before time gets away and the Christmas rush is upon us, I just wanted to take a minute and tell you that I am thankful for you, and for the work the Lord has done and is doing here at Eastmont.