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Thanks for Praying, Giving, and Going

First I want to say thanks for being such a great church family. Easter was a great time of worship and fellowship!

I enjoy accidental funny headlines. Here is one:

Two Sisters Reunite After 18 Years at Checkout Counter

Easter Sunday is like a reunion. Worship was clearly focused on God. An audience of One is always the best worship. Being obsessed with what others think is the quickest way to forget what God thinks. I saw hearts, hands, and hopes raised because we focused on the risen Christ.

Yet there was also a horizontal impact. There were sisters and brothers united. It wasn’t at a checkout counter after 18 years. It was in pews, aisles, hallways, prayer groups, hugs, handshakes, and smiles. We have discovered that we are better together. I’m convinced the strength of any church lies in the quality of small groups. If we don’t love our people, we will lose our people. I’m glad you practice this faithfully.

Rev. Bill Baker was one of the pastors at Capitol Heights when I was saved. He told me, “What you do on Easter is important. What you do between Easters is even more important.”

One of our parents was trying to explain the empty tomb to their preschooler.

Child: “Where is Jesus now?”

Mom: “He is everywhere.”

Child: “Is he the one that opens the doors at the grocery store?”

Most of us know Christ lives in each of us through his Holy Spirit and is also alive in the church (2 or more gathered), but let me remind you of another place Christ said you would find Him. He is somehow present in the lives of those who are hungry, thirsty, lonely, naked, sick, imprisoned. Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of these brothers of mine, you did it unto me” (Matt. 25:40). We delight in the worship of Christ each Sunday. Let’s also remember we can find Him throughout the week.

Another nine people professed their faith at Backpack Baptism. PTL!

You also generously exceeded our Easter Mission Offering. At least six mission teams are preparing to serve this summer. Some local, some out of state, some international. We’re going across the aisle, across the street, and across the world. Thanks for praying, giving and going.

Remember our vision: Love God Passionately, Love People Practically, Share Christ Personally.