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The Measure of a Man

Next to December with all that surrounds the Christmas season, June may be the busiest month of the year at Eastmont.

Music on Mission, Carpenters for Christ, Vacation Bible School, and Youth Mission Trip are all in the line-up! But June is also the month in which we celebrate Father’s Day.

Father’s Day has been celebrated in the United States since 1910. This particular day is set aside to honor and recognize the unique influence of fathers on society. But the question that must be answered in relation to that celebration is, “how do we measure that influence?” Is it measured in time, money, accolades, or some other accomplishment? Perhaps we choose the less tangible measures and talk about a unique combination of strength and gentleness or discipline and grace. 

In Proverbs 20:7 we find the true measure of a man, “the righteous who walks in his integrity – blessed are his children after him!” The righteous man that is presented in the Proverbs is the man who loves what God loves and hates what God hates. He is the man who learns and grows in his knowledge of and love for Jesus. Righteousness may not lead to wealth and prosperity, it may not lead to prolonged years or accolades, but the righteous man leaves a legacy far greater than that of a royal inheritance. The righteous man walking in integrity offers his children a life that is free of embarrassment and a model worth imitating. 

Charles Spurgeon once said, “A father’s holy life is a rich legacy for his sons.” Men, what kind of legacy are you leaving for your children? What changes in your life do you need to make in order to leave your children with that which money cannot buy and time cannot erase?