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The Mission Moves Forward

The Mission Moves Forward!
This is the theme the North American Mission Board (NAMB) has chosen for the Week of Prayer for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering this year. Beginning this Sunday we will unite with thousands of other churches as we pray for and give to the missionaries and ministries sponsored by NAMB. Did you know that 65% of Americans today consider themselves as Christians? Did you also know that in 2000 that number was 85%?
So, whats changed? Its definitely not the heart of God or the saving power of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:56-58). We can rest in the fact that God still saves and that He saves to the uttermost. We also need to be reminded that we have been given a role to play in the narrative of salvation history. The Bible states, How beautiful are the feet of those that preach the good news!(Romans 10:15). Now before you check out – Paul is not stating that you have to be the person that speaks to the crowd, only that you are involved in bringing that message to those that are without Christ.
So how can you be a part of bringing this message to those outside of Christ? With regard to the Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer – is to first pray. Pray for those who are carrying out the task of bringing that message to North America. Second, give. Our church goal is $20,000 and we need everyone to participate and help us meet and even exceed that goal. Last, consider how you can serve.
 You can serve in shortterm missions trips, perhaps the Lord is leading you to serve vocationally through the NAMB, or maybe your call is right now to serve North America by picking up the torch and serving right here at Eastmont. If you are not currently serving we would love to help you plug into one of the ministries here as you utilize your gifts for the Kingdom of God!