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The Week in Review and a Look Head

Patriotic Service & Men’s Fellowship

This past Sunday was a busy but amazing day of worship and fun. Our men’s breakfast was delicious and Ronald Skipper, our Men’s Ministry coordinator, gave a challenging message. The God and Country celebration was both inspiring and worshipful. We were able to do our patriotic service again Monday night for the community as a whole. I appreciate the hard work put in by Lance, Cliff, Eddy, the choir, orchestra, tech crew and all the volunteers who decorated, blew up balloons and shot streamer cannons. I am especially thankful for all the men and women who were present at both services for their past and present service to our nation through one of the branches of the armed forces.

Sunday evening the Country / Country Concert in Fellowship Hall was a great way to end a great day! Hot dogs, patriotic songs and country songs were enjoyed by all. Thank you, Linda Blocker, to you and all your volunteers (including Bro. Mike and Connie) for preparing and serving the brown bag meal. Thank you, Lance and all those who sang and for all those who attended.

Youth Mission Trip

Our youth, led by Cleve Mallory, had a very successful mission trip to St. Louis. They arrived back safely this past Saturday and now they prepare for Super Summer July 8- 12. Please continue to pray for our youth as they serve and as they grow spiritually this summer. Remember that they are the future leaders of our church.

Retirement Reception

Sunday, July 14 we will be celebrating Bro. Mike and Connie’s thirty-two years here at Eastmont with a reception in their honor. The reception will be in Fellowship Hall from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Please make plans to be there and let all former members know that they are invited to this special occasion.

Thank you all for being the faithful servants you are and for making Eastmont truly a place of faith, family, and friends. I love you and love serving our Lord and Savior with you as we give Him all the glory!