Graduation Day is almost here for the Class of 2021. It’s a day where all the hard work and late nights studying will finally pay off. Since Kindergarten, you’ve dreamed of this moment. It’s the END of an era, but it’s more than an END. It’s the BEGINNING of the next stage in your journey through life. The final exams may be ending, but the true test is now.

Your church family has poured into your life in an effort to prepare you as you are sent into this next phase of your journey. The worship, the Bible studies, the mission trips, and the retreats have all been meant to lay a foundation in your life of knowing Christ and making Christ known to the world. Whether you are a high school or college graduate, your test, now, is whether you personally desire to pursue God’s Kingdom or your own kingdom. The friends you make, the career you pursue, the habits you develop in the coming years will reveal the desire of your heart as you begin this test.

Gene and I are blessed to have had the opportunity to serve as your student and/or college pastor, especially in this difficult pandemic year. As you are sent out into the next phase of life, we pray God’s blessings on you as you face the challenge of advancing God’s Kingdom wherever you go. You’ve impacted our student and college ministries, and now you’ll impact our world!