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Unity and Harmony

“You don’t have to see eye to eye to walk side by side.” One of the best things about Eastmont is our unity and harmony. Unity does not mean uniformity. We are different in many ways, but we are united by our commitment to Christ. In all churches Christ is present. In many churches He is prominent. In Eastmont He is preeminent. That has kept us together and kept us focused on making disciples.

When you read this our Guatemala team will already be serving. They share the gospel in remote villages. In a way, you are there with them. Through donations, yard sale items, and fundraisers you provided financial support. There is still another way you are involved; through your daily prayer support.

Our Administrative Deacons have selected a Pastor Search Committee for your approval at the November 28 business session. These are Jerry Short, David Seay, Brian Key, Cindy Pitts, Courtney Corum, Brian Clements, and Travis Jordan. Over ninety names were submitted by church members which shows how much you care for the mission and future of Eastmont. The decisions were not easy. The intent was to have a committee that reflects all areas of our church. This comes as a unanimous decision and with church approval, the committee will likely begin their preliminary work in December. On a personal note, these are all great, dedicated servants of our Lord and will do an excellent job.

December has many opportunities to serve and support. The Christmas festival is a great family event. Your LifeGroup is probably planning a fellowship. Our Christmas music program on the 16th and the Christmas Eve service are opportunities to invite an unchurched friend or neighbor. We plan to combine the morning worship service on December 23 and December 30. We will share the Lord’s Supper on December 30 also.

For some of you, this Thanksgiving and Christmas will be the first one you face without a special loved one there. My heart goes out to you, and I pray for you. It can be very difficult because emotions become awakened again. It is okay to remember, miss them and cry for them. It is also okay to smile knowing that in heaven they are happy, healthy and home.

Someone has said, “To walk in another man’s shoes, you first must take off your own shoes.” That is what God did when He came to us at Christmas. He set aside divinity and put on humanity. It is not enough that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He must be born in you by faith.