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What to Expect

Upon My Arrival

When you enter the Eastmont campus, there are guest parking spots in the upper level of our parking lot nearest the main entrance to our Worship Center. If you have children and plan to attend LifeGroups or use our childcare during the worship service, we encourage you to park in our back parking lot, near the Eastmont Kids entrance. There are signs in the parking lot directing you to the children’s area and a banner located near the entry door.

As you enter the building, you can expect to be greeted by friendly men and women who are available to answer your questions or direct your steps. Our greeters wear name badges so they are easily identified, and are located at every main entry point of the building.

What to Expect 1

During Lifegroups

LifeGroups meet Sunday mornings from 9:00am until 10:00am. LifeGroup classes are mostly organized by age groups and walks of life, so there is a LifeGroup class for every person and every couple. The majority of the hour is spent in Bible study, discussion. LifeGroup classrooms are located all over our church campus, so finding a particular classroom could be challenging. One of our greeters will be happy to help you find the LifeGroup you’re looking for. For a listing of all our LifeGroups, click below!

Eastmont takes great care to establish an environment of safety and comfort for children. So those with children from birth through sixth grade will need to register their child upon their first visit to LifeGroups. This is a quick process that will allow parents the comfort of knowing their child is being cared for well. To help save time, you can pre-register your child by clicking below!

What to Expect 2

During The Worship Service

Sunday worship begins at 10:15am and concludes by 11:30am each Sunday morning. During our worship service you will experience dynamic worship led by our music pastor and worship team. Our worship gatherings include a variety of musical expressions, both familiar and new, presented by instrumentalists and vocalists who are both gifted in the arts and committed to Christ.

Following a time of music and singing, our senior pastor, or other teaching pastors, offers Biblical, relevant teaching intended to glorify God and edify the church. The weekly messages are usually presented as parts of a series.

Messages are typically followed by a time of response where individuals may feel led to seek prayer or pastoral counsel. During this time, the congregation is led in song and pastor(s) make themselves available to anyone who desires to speak with them.

Childcare is available in our Children’s area during the worship gathering for children from birth through K-4 (Pre-Kindergarten).

Our goal is to continually develop a culture where we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. So, come as you are.  You are welcome!  

During Wednesday Nights

Each Wednesday we serve a Family Supper from 5:00pm until 5:50pm. The cost of the meal is $5 per adult, and children eat free. You’re welcome to join us for dinner in the Fellowship Hall each week.

At 6:00pm we offer discipleship classes for all ages in different areas of the building, and choir rehearsal takes place in the Worship center. The offering of discipleship classes for various ages changes seasonally, so feel free to call our church office to learn what classes are ongoing during the particular week you plan to be with us.