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Where Will You Serve?

By: Lauren Cumbie

I have been at Eastmont my whole life, and if there’s one thing that has been impressed upon me from childhood it is that ministry and serving are important.

We tend to think of ministry as something we do on a mission trip or as something full-time ministers do, but the truth is that each of us is called to our own ministry. We’re all called to serve our community as well as the church, both local and universal.

One way that I’ve seen this lived out is through my dad, Lowell House. If you’ve had a toddler come through the Eastmont Children’s Ministry in the last 20 years, then chances are you’ve met, my dad.

Dad started serving in the children’s hall more than 20 years ago. He and my mom taught three-year-olds at the time. When I was a bit older, they moved down to the crawler room, and now my dad keeps the toddlers and two-year-old class.

When I ask him why he still wants to serve in preschool after all these years, this is what he tells me.

“I want those parents to know that when they drop their baby off, they are loved, happy, and taken care of so that they can go to their class and to worship and focus on what God wants to teach them instead of being worried about if their child is upset.”

If you didn’t know, my dad is a baby whisperer.

For my dad, keeping these little ones is his ministry. My husband, Chase, and I have even joined in by keeping three-year-olds.

We were never meant to be “consumer only Christians.” We were called to become more like Christ, the ultimate Servant Leader, every day!

Your ministry doesn’t have to be in the children’s hall. There are a ton of ways to serve at Eastmont from Bus Ministry and Prayer Team to Wednesday night meals and LifeGroups. There’s no shortage of needs. The only question is, “Where will you serve?”