When is the last time you sat for a few minutes and asked the question, “Why?”
Acts 17:26-27 tells us that God “determined the times set for [us] and the exact places where [we] should live.” He placed each of us here with intention, and our purpose flows from His divine plan.
As those who have experienced God’s amazing love, mercy, and grace, we exist to glorify God by telling a world longing for purpose about His love, mercy, and grace. But why now? And why here? Do not miss that God has strategically placed us in this moment to be His hands and feet in the River Region and beyond.
When we view our lives through this lens, even the ordinary becomes sacred. Our conversations with neighbors, our presence at community events, our place in the stands at a ballgame, and even our online interactions are opportunities to live out God’s mission for us.
As Eastmont, we have the opportunity to lean into this “why” together. What if in 2025 we all commit to seek God in prayer, to serve our community with joy, and to build each other up in love, remembering that we are here for a purpose far greater than ourselves?
A few of weeks ago, Bro. Ty challenged us to respond to our calling, as the people known as Eastmont, to respond with the same passion, the same obedience, the same heart as Isaiah, who said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).
So back to our original question, “Why?” Because the world around us needs to know!