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Why It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

You’ve probably already heard this line from the 1963 song. It’s one of those perennial favorites that captures some of the essence of the festive nature of the Christmas season (except for that line about telling “scary ghost stories” – a practice from the Victorian era, but that’s for another day). So just what is it about the weeks leading up to December 25th that makes this line ring true in our hearts and minds? Is it the lights, the decorations, the gifts, the parties (pre-COVID anyway), the nativity?

This morning as I am writing this article, the sights and sounds of our “Night of Christmas Worship” are still fresh in my mind. This has been just one of the many blessings my family has experienced from our new faith family here at EBC over the last several weeks. (Thank you again Bro. Lance and everyone who participated in making this a great night of worship for EBC!)

The birth of the Savior of the world. This must be what fuels the festive nature of this season. To ponder and celebrate what the love of God looks like and the extent to which God would go to redeem humanity. This is the source of our unfading joy during this season. It is my prayer that each of us this Christmas would revisit the manger and consider the lengths that God has gone to save us!

Thank you, Eastmont for already loving our family and welcoming us as a part of this faith family! We’re looking forward to seeing what the Lord is going to do as we serve the King of kings together.

Merry Christmas!