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A Church Update

Updates at the church:

If you are getting tired of COVID-19 please raise your hand (did you wash it first?). I don’t do well with mask-wearing. I never have, even though I have to do it periodically visiting hospitals. I miss a handshake or a hug or getting to visit our sick or those having surgeries in our hospitals. I miss visiting those in rehab or our homebound or nursing care facilities. I miss getting to teach Life Group. I miss my LifeGroup. I just miss you, period. I miss the pre-coronavirus way of life. This “new” normal really … well, I can’t say it, but it does!

With all that off my chest, I am thankful that we are worshipping in person in two worship services on Sunday. I am thankful that we are able to live stream to those who can’t or are not ready to come back together yet. I’m thankful that many LifeGroups have Zoomed or Facebooked their Bible study times. I’m thankful we have literature that is available to all of our church family to be able to study God’s Word on their own even if they can’t connect with their LifeGroups.

Staff Updates

We have two new Administrative Assistants that have joined our church staff over the last few months. Laurel Seamon joined us on March 30. Her title is Receptionist and Children’s Ministry Assistant. Laurel is a single mom and her son, Tucker is 2 years old. Laurel’s mom, Adele Seamon, served as one of our Administrative Assistants several years ago. Laurel is an active member of First Baptist Church in Prattville. Heather Camp, our new Financial Manager, began working on June 8. She and her husband, Charles, are members of Eastmont. They are expecting their first child on September 24. We welcome both Laurel and Heather and hope that you get to meet them soon!

Church Updates

This Sunday, July 19, we will observe the Lord’s Supper in both services. We will do it with sealed, disposable packages that those attending in-person may pick up in the foyer as they enter the worship center. If you are at home viewing live stream then you can have your own elements ready (juice and crackers) to join us in this time of remembrance and worship.

Sunday evening at 6:00 we will have a time of worship with patriotic and Christian music outdoors in front of the worship center. Please practice safe guidelines as usual.

I want our church to join our church staff and the church leaders in praying that there will be a mighty movement of God that we will all witness together and that it will leave us all speechless!

Go (and don’t forget to wear your masks), Fight (and wear your latex gloves and use your anti-bacterial soap), Win (in the power of the Holy Spirit)!