Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 1

Did you know that every day 155,473 people die without Christ? That means in the time between our weekly services there are 1,088,311 people who enter into a Christless eternity. “Our work […]

Christ-Centered Education

Christ-Centered Education 2

It’s been a busy three months for Eastmont ChristianKindergarten! Our 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds have enjoyed learning about opposites, rhyming, shapes, colors, farms, our country, and fire safety. We are always working on […]

Praying for Guatemala

Praying for Guatemala 3

Many of you might be wondering: “Why is Eastmont not going to Guatemala this year?” Before I answer that question let me tell you about some of the reasons why we do […]

Prospective Children’s Pastor

Prospective Children's Pastor 4

The Children’s Pastor Search Committee has invited Ty Logan to Eastmont the weekend of November 6-7 in view of a call to be our next Children’s Pastor.  Ty is currently a student at Southwestern BaptistTheological Seminary studying Christian Ministry and is on track to graduate in the spring of 2022. As a freshman in college, he felt the Lord call him to children’s […]

A Unique Perspective on Missions

A Unique Perspective on Missions 5

Most people who grew up in the church are familiar with “PK,” or “Preacher’s Kid.” Those who grew up in a Southern Baptist church and were active in Mission Friends, […]

Fellowship Meal Ministry

Fellowship Meal Ministry 6

Can you imagine feeding more than 100 people every week? If your family is like most, trying to find meals that everyone likes becomes a challenge. What if you had […]

Mission Critical

Mission Critical 7

When we describe something as “mission-critical” we are stating that this idea or activity is essential to the survival of an organization. Have you thought about what things would be mission-critical for […]

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry 8

Did you know that there is a group of Eastmont members who commit to pray for one or two hours every week for people who are hurting, ill, or lost? The Eastmont Prayer Ministry is one of the most vital, yet lesser-known ministries in our church. You have probably seen […]

Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Appreciation Month 9

October is Pastor Appreciation Month and Eastmont has much to appreciate in this group of men that God brought together to lead Eastmont! Leading a church the size of Eastmont in the […]

Missions Isn’t Just for Grown-ups

Missions Isn't Just for Grown-ups 10

Missions is so much at the heart of the Church that we can’t just think of it as one aspect of the Church, but rather as its defining essence. If missions cease, the Church has not just failed, it has ceased being the church. That’s why educating our young ones about missions is so important. Eastmont provides an awesome opportunity on Wednesday nights to preschoolers through 6th graders for missions discipleship through Mission Friends (preschoolers), […]